The Circle Trust

The Circle Trust is a community of schools that have shared values and an essential common ethos and vision for education and learning. At the centre of our work together is improving the educational outcomes for our pupils. We deliberately use the term “educational outcomes” to highlight that we value education in the widest sense whilst balancing our ambition to seek the highest academic performance. Currently, the Trust includes two secondary schools, seven schools at the primary phase and continues to grow.
We work in a very transparent way, where schools have the opportunity to influence and their views are taken into account, we don’t want to change schools, we want to help them be better. As a Trust we take this aligned approach and our ambition is clear, to improve the educational outcomes for children and young people.
Our Trust therefore provides the support and infrastructure that schools need to enable them to develop and improve, and for the school leadership and their local governance to achieve their objectives for their school. At the heart of our Trust is access to school improvement advice and guidance. We call this package of support “The Learning Curve!” As an all-through Trust (nursery-18 years), The Circle Trust is able to provide school improvement advice and strategy based on consistency and fluency in education.
We are able to create and promote an educational environment for the 21st century with wide-ranging opportunities for our students; accommodating a wider breadth of activities for the more able pupils as well as enabling primary age pupils to access the secondary phase specialist teacher, resources and facilities more easily. Bespoke strategies to address the ‘dips’ in learning usually associated with transitions and transfers from school to school which begin with the opportunity for mixed age work, stage not age and learner mentoring and exploits distinctive opportunities for flexible deployment for staff. Simply put, we promote the potential to stimulate the development of imaginative approaches, which focus on achieving high levels of success for all.
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