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We believe

All children and young people deserve to have an excellent well-rounded education and to flourish in first-rate schools where the best teaching, the best facilities and the most up-to-date resources are made available to them.  

The Circle Trust

The Circle Trust is a community of schools that have shared values and an essential common ethos and vision for education and learning. At the centre of our work together is improving the educational outcomes for our pupils. We deliberately use the term “educational outcomes” to highlight that we value education in the widest sense whilst balancing our ambition to seek the highest academic performance. Currently, the Trust includes two secondary schools, six schools at the primary phase and continues to grow.

Our Trust therefore provides the support and infrastructure that schools need to enable them to develop and improve, and for the school leadership and their local governance to achieve their objectives for their school.  At the heart of our Trust is access to school improvement advice and guidance.  We call this package of support “The Learning Curve!”  As an all-through Trust (nursery-18 years), The Circle Trust is able to provide school improvement advice and strategy based on consistency and fluency in education.

We are able to create and promote an educational environment for the 21st century with wide-ranging opportunities for our students; accommodating a wider breadth of activities for the more able pupils as well as enabling primary age pupils to access the secondary phase specialist teacher, resources and facilities more easily.  Bespoke strategies to address the ‘dips’ in learning usually associated with transitions and transfers from school to school which begin with the opportunity for mixed age work, stage not age and learner mentoring and exploits distinctive opportunities for flexible deployment for staff.  Simply put, we promote the potential to stimulate the development of imaginative approaches, which focus on achieving high levels of success for all.

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Information about us and how we can enhance your school?

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Admissions information, information about our schools and who we are.

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Annual Reports and Accounts, Scheme of Delegation, Policies and more.

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Our current vacancies across our trust's wonderful schools.

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Our address, map to our offices
and contact details.

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Details of our Trustees, Members, Local Advisory Board Chairs.

Latest News from our Schools

We are so proud of our CEO @thecircletrust

An amazing space for our staff and students. We are extremely grateful.

It was our first Wave Rangers session today at Langborough Wildlife Garden which has been inspired by the @WaveProject The children got to immerse themselves into the wild garden and draw some of the things they saw. We are all looking forward to going back next week #waverangers

The Y2 children had another successful transition visit to Westende today where they got to explore all of the wonderful books in their school library and had a presentation from their reading ambassadors

Circle Trust Schools’ Mixed Y4/5/6 Netball Matches vs Westende School 24.4.24
On Wednesday 24th April, Emmbrook Junior School took two netball teams with children from Year 4, 5 and 6 to play against two teams of Year 5 and 6 children from Westende School.

Well done to our Year 4/5 Girls who took part in the WPSFA Football Tournament last week at Cantley Park. They had a fantastic time and finished 5th in their group, just missing out on the knockout stages ⚽

Lots of good games played from our year 9/10 rounders club!
Keep up the good effort ⚾️

How lovely is this weather? All of our pupils have enjoyed lots of outdoor playing and learning this week, including Year 2 who have been having fun in the wild flower garden 🌸

Year 4 had great fun last week practising their golf skills! They took turns at the driving range which was set up on our lovely school field ⛳

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