St. Crispin’s School

St Crispin’s is a school that offers students of all abilities and interests the opportunity to be the best they can be. Indeed our school vision statement “Excellence for all” encapsulates our intention to do the very best for our students. We offer a happy and supportive place for students to learn and develop.
We have a strong focus on the basics: excellent learning and teaching, a safe disciplined environment and an ethos which promotes the highest aspirations. Good qualifications are the key to a young person’s future success and for this reason they are our main priority. Nevertheless, developing young people to become well rounded, articulate, confident and happy is of equal importance.
We have a team of committed staff that provides support, challenge and expertise, enabling every student to achieve. Our website shows you the rich variety of opportunities provided beyond the formal curriculum and everyone is encouraged to participate in our diverse range of activities and events. I would encourage you to look at our Newsletters, which detail our most recent news, special events and educational visits.
Underpinning these opportunities and academic challenges is our keen desire to care for students, and by ensuring students feel happy and safe at school we enable them to achieve their best.
I do hope you find your visit to our website helpful and informative and reflective of our school’s values and achievements.
Mr Railton Blyth
Acting Headteacher