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Our Vision

The Circle Trust believes that all children and young people deserve to have an excellent well-rounded education and to flourish in first rate schools with the best teaching, the best facilities and the most up to date resources made available to them.

Our Values

Our Trust is a community of schools that have shared values and share an essential common ethos and vision for education and learning, as encapsulated in our values.  These values drive our behaviour, decision making and ambitions:

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Our values are our cultural north star
they drive our behaviour and decision making.
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The highest educational outcomes for every learner is paramount

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Preserving the unique identity and ethos of all partner schools is essential

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To be anything but utterly
inclusive is non-negotiable

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Being self-reflective is essential in encouraging innovation, our Trust is always driven to improve further

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What we say is what we do, we recognise talent, foster expertise, believe well-being for all is fundamental

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Our Trust promotes collaborating with others and being outward looking

Improving the quality of education is always our wildly important goal.  The Circle Trust is a specialist organisation – we exist to do one thing – to run and improve schools to advance education for the public benefit.  In our view the foundations of strong schools are: high quality teaching, well regarded pastoral care, a well-designed curriculum, vibrant opportunities to enrich students’ experience with consistently strong progress and attainment above the national average –    in short, schools where adults want to work and where parents want their child to attend.

The Circle Trust has a strong theorised model of improvement; we set the conditions to support the quality of education systematically.  As a Trust we can scale improvement, reduce professionals’ workload, and improve the quality of provision.  

We work neither in an utterly autonomous nor in a totally aligned way; instead, our work benefits from both styles bringing efficiency and effectiveness to our endeavours. 

No two schools are alike (even identical twins have different fingerprints!). Every school differs in context – finding a one size fits all approach to improving schools therefore is folly.

Would you like to find out more?

If you would like to know more about The Circle Trust, please contact us via

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