Westende Junior School

At Westende, we all take great pride in everything we do and we work hard to achieve beyond potential. It is a happy and secure environment that nurtures all aspects of talent and creativity and ensures that everyone has the opportunity to celebrate both their own successes, and those of others.
Westende Junior School is a caring place to learn. We have great respect for each other and children enjoy learning and playing together – we are careful to ensure that as a family school everyone feels included, safe and confident.
We believe that parents and carers are as important as the children. We take great care and ensure everyone can celebrate their child’s success, speak to a teacher whenever needed, or even give up their time to assist within the classroom or help out the PA … Westende Junior School’s doors are ‘always open’.
Hopefully, on this website you will get a feeling of what makes Westende such an inspiring place to learn – if you’ve not already done so, why not make an appointment to come and see for yourself? We look forward to welcoming you soon.
Andrea Sykes