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The Hawthorns
Primary School

Located in Woosehill, Wokingham
Headteacher: Ms. Raha Razeghi

The Hawthorns Primary School

On behalf of the Governors, staff, children and parents, I would like to welcome you to The Hawthorns Primary School. Our new website is designed to provide you with an insight to daily life within our vibrant school.

We are a thriving and popular school at the heart of leafy Woosehill, with a strong sense of community. We are fortunate enough to have a well-equipped attractive building with spacious grounds. Our dedicated, professional and knowledgeable staff aim to provide the best education they can for all our children. We are well-supported by our enthusiastic and active governors and parents. 

At The Hawthorns, we pride ourselves on our caring and friendly ethos, where everyone is encouraged to flourish as we nurture, develop and celebrate all talents and gifts. Our children come to school eager to learn and we aim to encourage this positive attitude by providing them with learning opportunities that are memorable, challenging and tailored to the way each child learns best.

“Leaders are determined that pupils do well and want the best for every child.”

Ofsted 2022

We place children at the heart of everything we do, with the priority to keep them safe and happy. Our vision is underpinned by our core values of Belong, Believe, Achieve and Grow. The ethos of our school, our curriculum, policies and practice, and all that we put into place for our community, grow from these roots.

Our curriculum is inclusive and diverse, providing each child with rich, exciting learning experiences. It offers opportunities for children to engage, question and build their own ideas in order to become the best learners that they can be. We have high expectations of our children, of their academic attainment, their effort, behaviour and attitude. We promote a growth mindset and aim to unlock the potential of the whole child by focusing on a set of Aspirational Qualities throughout our curriculum. We teach children to be confident and independent; to believe in themselves and be resilient; and to be aware of their responsibilities both to the school community and the world at large.

The children in our school work hard, make good progress and achieve high standards, but more importantly, they develop personal skills which will ensure their future success.

Preparing children to thrive in this ever-changing world relies on parents and educators working in partnership. We foster open and honest communication with parents, carers and specialists and actively seek to engage with all stakeholders in a positive and professional manner.

We believe our vision provides the essential basis for our children’s future development and for success when they leave us for the next stage of their journey through life. 

I feel privileged to be the Headteacher of such a wonderful school and look forward to welcoming new families to our school.

Ms. Raha Razeghi

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